Tentative Schedule (adjusted Sept. 5)

Tentative Schedule (adjusted Sept. 5)

Monday 26 February 2018

Survey Monday

Hello parents and students,

We had a really focused day getting all of our work done! We began with completing our quiz on the Human Body. After the quiz, we discussed the importance of using knowledge from our stations/worksheets and how this information will help us in our project. We also analyzed the questions in the quiz; all the questions were about function and component of the different body systems so I could really grasp the missing links in the students’ learning. In UOI, the students then completed their research information graphic organizer. Afterwards, we did our 1-minute brainstorms. Before the end of the lesson, the students all created their final ideas with a list of materials they need to get.

In math, the students had a chance today to go around and complete their surveys. Tomorrow, we will get a chance to analyze our data.

I also had a chance to look at the student’s reflective journal and as a class we discussed how the students should be adding information into the journal. They need to make sure to write a summary and reflects on their healthy/non-healthy choices and then they have to answer at least 2 questions.


  • ·      Math: surveys must be completed by tomorrow
  • ·      Language: complete reflective journal and tracker, spelling workbook due Friday
  • ·      UOI: get materials for project
  • ·      Information: soccer forms due tomorrow 
  •      Aftercare payments due today 

Have a great night and see you tomorrow,


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